10 February, 2011

Time Magazine on the Singularity

An interesting article I wanted to share with you on the Singularity, which will apparently happen by the year 2045.

The author has clearly read some Richard Morgan and Peter F. Hamilton.

Do you think we will hit a/the singularity in our lifetimes? I do. I hope so. Would spice things up a bit.

The Singularity


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I just read that article - its hilarious! I won't panic about the end of the world just yet.

I don't know about a point of singularity but I think there is a moent in a lot of peoples like (not all) where one decision can have a massive impact on the rest of their lives. In a very non
sci-fi way though!

Kayanna Kirby said...

I think the assumption that a fast operating system or computer chip is able to create conciousness is presumptuous at best. If computers gain awareness of self I don't think that's a good thing

Bryce L. said...

I think it's totally possible, scary, but possible.