It's been a while since I've posted so I thought I'd do a quick update. I've taken the bar, so that's over at least. While I was still in California, my wife went into labor with our twins, so on Saturday at 3 am I was calling up United trying to change my flight from later in the day to "as soon as possible."
Luckily that worked out, made it to the hospital...only to wait and wait and then wait some more. Until Monday when we were discharged from the hospital and still no babies in sight, not even another contraction.
Now, we're still playing the waiting game, but we'll definitely be having them next week no matter what.
Reading Update:
During the time I've been away from the blog, I've got a couple books read/mostly read. I've already written most of a review for Acacia by David Anthony Durham, just needs polishing. I've finished Scourge of the Betrayer by Jeff Salyards and that needs a review. I'm almost done with Lucky Bastard by S.G. Browne, which has a great concept, definitely look this one up. Also started The Princess Bride by William Goldman on a whim and it's everything I ever wished it would be.
More inexpensive ebook goodies!
7 hours ago
Congrats with the twins. Nice blog dude.
Pre-congrats on the baby and the bar. Wish you all the best!
I swear, not a suck up for a good review, but congrats on the twins! You will definitely have your hands full. :)
@Shane - Thanks a bunch on both counts. :)
@Alec - Thanks man, I just hope I pass and that the babies are healthy. Is that too much to ask?
@Jeff - Yeah right. :D But seriously, thanks a bunch and the review should be coming soon especially since the twins are taking their sweet time.
Hows the twins, and whens the bar test?
Twins are doing well, just taking their time getting here. The bar was last week luckily, so that's over and hopefully for good. I never want to have to do that again. Not the most fun I've ever had.
Oh twins are coming soon. lol
They boys or girls?
Did you get your score yet? I dont know how it works. I need a get out of jail free card. lol
Girls and no score yet. No one taking the CA bar gets results until mid-November. It's brutal especially when every other state sends out results by Sept/Oct.
Well congrats again on the girls and the bar, you think you passed right? Man thats like a 3 month wait huh? I have two grown sons, the oldest is a Marine.
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