I'm going to make a few changes to this year's It's News To Me series of posts. I've been going back and forth, back and forth on this and I think I finally have a solution. I enjoy posting about the news, but, and you may be amazed... very amazed, it takes quite a bit of work to put together a decent weekly news update.
In lieu of a weekly update, I will begin to post much more condensed updates as the news comes up, so this could happen on any day of the week. This may in fact mean more It's News To Me, but some weeks it could mean less or none.
I guess we'll find out at the end of the year if it does in fact mean more posts. :)
I wish I had more time to keep this up, but I think this new schedule will work a bit better with my hectic schedule.
New Cover: Game of Thrones [US - old cover] [UK - old cover] by George R. R. Martin (and new title too I guess).
This cover update coincides with the very little known fact that an HBO series will be based on this book - while independently significant, A Game of Thrones made it on the NYT bestseller list recently. :)
New Trailer: HBO's Game of Thrones - Premiere Date: April 17th (Whoot!)
Can't say I'm much of a fan of this trailer. It almost looks cheap to me. Maybe I'm not artistic enough to get it. Still extremely excited for the series.
And that's the news...at least to me.
More inexpensive ebook goodies!
10 hours ago
It does sort of look cheap doesn't it. The last teaser was much better. And I always hate when they relaunch a book series with the actors on the cover. Makes them feel like shitty romance books.
Great point, I hate that too. It doesn't even give you the slightest clue as to what the book's about. At least the simple crown told you it was about knights and swords, etc. Yargh. :D
I don't know if you all just did not get the point. It's a "Game of Thrones", at least for the Iron Throne. And many claim to sit on it, be they usurpers, intrigants or exiled.
An sorry to say, but this throne is the most impressive throne I ever saw on TV. It's special and it is the single central point in the books.
I found this teaser is not as others and very good. Really.
I'm not crazy about the new cover, myself. Granted, I haven't read the book yet (I'm trying to wait until the series is complete, though the TV show has made it pretty tough for me to resist), but I almost never like plain movie stills as cover art. They just don't look as professional as covers with a bit more of a design focus.
@ Anon (#2) - I think I got the point, I love the throne - it's amazing and I understand what the focus of the teaser was, I just thought it looked cheap nonetheless.
@Memory - That's exactly what's missing, the design focus. I didn't even realize what it's missing, but you nailed it.
Anon#2 here:
I have to add that the book cover is really cheap. My post was only related to that trailer. And the final shots of the throne are just what the book's essence is about. I wonder why Karl V. never had such a great stool but a cheap wooden poorly shaped shelf-life possibility to sit :)
@Memory: Well, it's been 5 years since the last book(s) were published and A Dance With Dragons doesn't look to be here any time soon. With the series around the corner I decided to re-read what's available and I think I can see Martin's problem - the story is getting away from him, ie minor characters are beginning to gain equal importance and stories of their own which, imo, do not need to be flushed out. This is making the books longer and, I can imagine, more difficult (and tiresome!) to write.
Also, for the love of corn, I want Martin to stop using the word 'craven'.
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