In light of this, I decided to institute a new feature on the blog where I can bring up whatever's on my mind, be it terrible book covers, titles, ideas, bloggers (okay, probably just Pat), you name it and have some fun with it.

Suddenly, you realize there were actually 5 other people who already commented and said the exact same thing you did (and now you look dumb) or you'd like to respond to someone and there's no way they're coming back by the time the comment is posted.
Please don't be offended because I love the many blogs that do this and I know lots of people have found it handy. I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons, I just like to complain sometimes. :)
There's a similar thing on Goodreads where you have to answer a question to "friend" someone. Dumb. If you don't want someone as a friend, delete them later. It's pretty easy.
Yeah, the comment approval does suck. I've noticed it when leaving comments on some of the "bigger" fantasy blogs, guys who've had intense comment-leaving behavior in the past and now need to moderate it. I feel like it makes me less likely to leave comments on those sites, and can kill off any kind of conversation their posts might generate.
p.s. every time you do a "What's The Deal With..." post, I read the title in Jerry Seinfeld's voice...
Haha, yes, that's what I had in mind too. I'm glad you agree though, but maybe that's exactly what they want, all of us commenters to shut it.
On the one hand I understand the reasons for comment approval. On the other hand it is annoying.
I tend to post on other blogs without comment approval, which is good for other blogs.
I wish I could leave my blog open for comments and, y'know... actually have a conversation with people. The thing is though, I'm stuck with being spammed pretty much everyday so I've got no choice but to moderate my comments. It's a real shame :o(
This Sci-Fi review may be of interest my friend -
Nice site by the way
@edi - It really is annoying, but as I said, I do understand.
@Graeme - I guess I should really say I'm annoyed that some sites, which are so extremely popular such as yours, have the need to have comment approval. I guess it's just a problem with the internet in general no matter where you go.
@Reviewer - Thanks, will check it out.
I think maybe most people do it that way to avoid being spammed, especially on the more popular blogs. But I do agree with you that it is kind of annoying to have to wait and wait and wonder if your comment is even going to get posted, let alone when. And it does kill some chances for conversation. I consider myself lucky in some ways not to have to resort to that, since I'm not big enough to attract flamers and spammers yet!
What bothers me more than comment approval are the blogs who will only let you comment in a specific format. Disabling anonymous commenting is one thing, but I prefer to leave my blog name and URL rather than my general Google account when commenting on Blogger blogs. When blogs disable that option, I have no choice. Worse, sometimes the only options available will cut out the chance for anyone who doesn't have a specific blog format to actually reply. We don't all have Blogger or Wordpress blogs, after all...
That's a good point I didn't even think about. There are plenty of other formats because, as you've alluded to, blogger is crap. :)
Pisses me off, Fantasy Book Critic does this, and it makes no sense to me.
I think I'm going to put it in mine just to piss people off.
Anyways, I don't think the spam thing holds much water. If you're under a spam attack, then disable commenting, or use the moderation thing once again. But you don't need it permanently. Seems like it's more work to approve every new comment you come across versus just dealing with shit if you're under a spam attack.
I think it's more protection against inappropriate comments more than anything. But, why bother? When you just can delete it if you don't like it.
-Banana Hammock
LOL Seak, did you delete my comment?
@Bastard - I would never. Promise. Well, maybe for jokes, but not this time.
Hahah, OK. Thought you did for jokes considering the subject of the post.
Let's try again:
Pisses me off, Fantasy Book Critic does this, and it makes no sense to me.
I think I'm going to put it in mine just to piss people off.
Anyways, I don't think the spam thing holds much water. If you're under a spam attack, then disable commenting, or use the moderation thing once again. But you don't need it permanently. Seems like it's more work to approve every new comment you come across versus just dealing with shit if you're under a spam attack.
I think it's more protection against inappropriate comments more than anything. But, why bother? When you just can delete it if you don't like it.
-Banana Hammock
I'm so glad my entry won (at least for a little while). :) That's exactly what I was thinking, though, that it's got to be about equal or less work to just delete comments.
Already have an idea on how to use them and on which review to do so. It's going to be on a negative one that I wasn't planning on doing, but I think I'm going to afterall.
But I'm liking the idea of "What's the Deal With..."
Thanks, I'm looking forward to those reviews. There are some good words you get to work with.
I'm late to this, but I think I want to add my views.
My blog is approval-free after it was pointed out that it caused issues for someone. I took it off because I want comments, and I've so far had very few so having it on seemed pointless. It'd take more time for me to approve a comment rather than just delete inappropriate ones, so it went.
However, I have the question thing activated on Goodreads. Why? Because I get these bearded old guys trying to add me, and it creeps me the hell out, especially if they've recently added a few books I have. I don't even want to know that they've been on my page. I leave my profile and page mostly open for everyone, but I'm careful about who I add. Why? I just am. I don't want to give these people a signal that might imply I wish to talk to them.
I, like yourself Seak, come from a forum where almost everyone is behind pseudonyms. You go by Seak, but if I got an add from Bryce L., how would I know it's you if you didn't say so? I might think you're some creep and deny it. I want to link people from SFFWorld or Twitter to those on my Goodreads and go "Oh, that's so-and-so from there". It's more for me than the other person.
very informative and interesting
What bothers me more than comment approval are the blogs who will only let you comment in a specific format. Disabling anonymous commenting is one thing, but I prefer to leave my blog name and URL rather than my general Google account when commenting on Blogger blogs. When blogs disable that option,
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