... At last year's convention, a rule change was enacted that would exclude blogs from the Best Fanzine category in the future. This rule may be ratified this year. That means this may be the last year blogs are eligible for the Best Fanzine category. This may seems absurd to you, but remember, this is an organization with a constitution and committees and so on. There are quorum rules and agendas and minutes that have to be approved and I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone with a gavel. It's official, as befits an organization with such a storied past. They're not evil. They mean well. They just want to make sure that next year people who try to distribute their reviews using a parade of tattooed elephants don't rouse up a storm because they're not included in a category.
Seriously, the only justification I could see for this is to make sure the traditional fanzines don't get overrun by blogs. So, let's create a brand new category called "Best Blog"....
Support your favorite bloggers, show them we not only mean to stay, but that we're a force to be reckoned with. Check out the full article, Love a Blog, Nominate It, as he Guest-posts at Staffer's Musings.
Why do I blog? Do I want to win awards or is it my hobby to share my opinion about books and other stuff?
I agree, I blog for the same reasons, but I also think it's pretty lame for the awards to deliberately snuff bloggers when quite a few do a really good job of doing the same (if not more) than the fanzines.
I have a sci fi blog I invite you to subscribe / read it. The web adress is www.captainscifi.blogspot.com
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