02 May, 2010

Winner: Pinion, by Jay Lake


Dorren from Canada wins the snark of the week hands down, although technically her submission wasn't snark. If you guys and girls go to all the trouble of thinking up nifty rhymes then your chances of winning bonus entries are pretty good, even if you haven't submitted snark:

Thanks for the contest
Even though you're snarky.
Sometimes you're a pest,
But all in all.....I'm sure we all agree.
You really are the best.

In related news, the blog received its first death threat in the form of a clock-punk related joke:

I wonder if they make 30-second bombs in that universe?
"I am a 30 second bomb. 29, 28, 27, 26, ... 3, 2, 1. BOOM!!!"

With the bomb situation in New York this past weekend (I live in the city), I might just have to report this to the FBI... But seriously, the whole failed bomb attempt was quite scary and I hope they nail the bastards who, thankfully, botched it.

Without further ado then, the winner of the Pinion giveaway is Karrie M. from Florida, from which I just returned not 2 hours ago! Very sunny down there at the moment...


doreen lamoureux said...

Thanks so much...yahoo

Jay Lake said...

Would Doreen like it autographed?

Anonymous said...

Oh, please sign my copy of Pinion!

Kathy M. in Florida!

Sunny, yes, hot and humid, too! :-)

bloggeratf said...

@ Jay

Thanks for stopping by! I can route the book through you if that works..

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Congrats to the winner!