11 May, 2011

Winner Winner: Shadow Chaser

Another winner in the long line of... winners. Congratulations to Shawn C. from whichever state IA might be. I kid, I kid.

Far from being randomly selected, Shawn went to great lengths to win this contest. Sending me naked pictures and a plane ticket... thanks Shawn, but I will have to pass. In addition to going above and beyond with the aforementioned items, Shawn also entered a succinctly humorous little diddle, answering the contest entry question: WHERE DID THE DRAGONS GO?!

They locked themselves in their trailers until they get their rewrites. "No longer will I play the villan" said Xaran the eviscerator. He continued "I graduated at the top of my class from Juillard and to be typecast again and again is just insulting."

Xaran, acting as spokesperson for the Dragons, tried to keep the press conference on topic but was derailed when the questions turned to virgin sacrifice after the creature attempted a smile exposing a bloodstained white gauzy dress wedged between his front teeth.

The dammage was done. The dragons disappeared, not to be seen again. We were left only with the unfortunate last words, "you call us the monsters when it is YOU that made virgins so delicious!" 

So there you have it! Congratulations to our latest winner on winning such a gre... mmmm. Well, on winning a book.