I know it's been a while, sorry about that. I've been insanely busy and sick and still busy. I have a couple books to review (Sword of Angels, The Magicians, and A Discourse in Steel) and a couple more I should finish up soon (Ships of Merior and Leviathan Wakes). I'm thinking about changing my reviews a bit, really just adding some info that people might find helpful, including a link to the reason I read the book in the first place, if a review or mention exists.
Anyway, here are some cheap books to tide you over.
[$2.99] Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations #1 & #2) by Michael J. Sullivan - This is an omnibus so you get two books for the price of one. My review.
[$0.99] Angel Station by Walter Jon Williams - I've been collecting Williams' books since I read his excellent (greatly understated) short story in Songs of the Dying Earth.
[FREE] Daddy's World by Walter Jon Williams - The Nebula winner for Novelette.
[$2.99] Reamde by Neal Stephensen
[$2.99] Devil Said Bang (Sandman Slim #4)by Richard Kadrey
[$2.99] A Private Little War by Jason Sheehan
[$0.99] The Curse of the Mistwraith (Wars of Light and Shadow #1) by Janny Wurts - Because I'm reading book two now, I have to repost these deals. These books are so good with insane amounts of depth. My review.
[$1.99] Ships of Merior Wars of Light and Shadow #2) by Janny Wurts - Worth so much more than this, this is a steal!
[$3.79] Warhost of Vastmark Wars of Light and Shadow #3) by Janny Wurts
Book review: Once Was Willem by M.R. carey
3 hours ago
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