11 June, 2011

It's News To Me #13 - Covers From Solaris

Here are a few covers from Solaris I (source here): (Click to embiggen)

...and my fave:

Rowena Cory Daniels is the author of The Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin beginning with The King's Bastard [US] [UK].

And that's the news...at least to me.


Unknown said...

Not sure about this series, great covers but the first trilogy was such a disappointment. Will have to wait to see a few reviews before I dig in to this series.

Bill said...

Those covers look really sharp. Do you know who did them?

Memory said...

Wow. Those are gorgeous.

Bryce L. said...

@Tyson - I'd been thinking about reading that first series, but maybe I better rethink this.

@Bill - It's Clint Langley.

@Memory - I know! :D

Unknown said...

Those are pretty cool covers.

aisha said...

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