The cover threw me off at first glance; I both love it and think, is this Vice City or San Andreas. But really, you can't go wrong with guns and skulls.
The Setup
Frank "Triggaltheron" Tigg is just your average demon who also happens to be Lucifer's nephew. This worked well for him until God and Lucifer call it quits and get out of the game. To coin a phrase, all Hell proceeds to break lose.
In a world where demons dress and act like mobsters and angels have lost their purpose in life, the line is drawn between those who are for and against the coming of Armageddon. Frank and the DRAC team, made up of psychics, telepaths, and other supernatural beings, are doing everything in their power to stop the end of the world and keep the peace.
As the blurb on the back says, "Better luck next time, humanity."
My Take in Brief
Armageddon Bound is a hilarious Harry Dresden meets the movie Constantine (with Keanu Reeves). And that's pretty much what makes this novel so great; it never takes itself too seriously and there's always another bit of sarcasm around the corner (or should I say page).
Here's a bit of what I mean:
"I heard my nose snap and felt a warm gush explode from it. Lightning bolts of pain shot through my eyes and I flew backwards and landed in a heap. My head felt like used Jell-o."You figure it out."
And as Frank attempts to reason with a low-level demon,
"Baalth smiled so wide I could count his teeth. I stopped at five. I get bored easy."
These quick one-liners pop up right and left and I seriously couldn't get enough of them. Marquitz has a great sense of humor and it shows throughout. I can't wait for the rest of the series to come out because I'm lining up already.
The whole story is told in first person and Frank Tigg is a great companion to have. Frank goes from messy situation to messy situation, and keeps trucking even though he only sees himself as a constant screw up. I could really relate to him, and all the while he pushes through only to land in an even worse situation
When Should You Read This?
If you're in the mood for something light, that will keep you turning pages from the very first, Armageddon Bound is right up your alley. If you liked the Dresden Files, you will have a good time with this one as well.
Rating and Links
My Rating: 4/5 (Loved it, Get yourself a copy right now!)
Visit Tim Marquitz's website here.
Another Armageddon Bound review.
It sounds fun but the cover violates rule number three of my book buying. No half dressed women, dragons, or fangs on the cover!
Haha, I'm glad I had the ebook, otherwise I don't think my wife would have allowed it. :)
that means you will not allow your wife to read books like this one ;)
Hi Bryce
Thanks for a very nice review, I liked this book for almost all the same reasons & hopefully when the 2nd book comes out this year, It will give us more of Frank & his evergrowing troubles.
@ediFanoB, Haha, very nice. :)
@Mihir, Seriously I'm jumping on board anything else with Frank.
Ironically, I just ordered this book.
@Ty, I really hope you like it. It's different, but still has a lot of elements to be comfortable with.
@Alec, I forgot to ask, what are numbers 1 and 2?
I might have exaggerated...
This does sound like a fun read. I was not sure what to think of the book by the way of the cover. But, it sounds a lot better than I had thought.
Thanks for the review on a new book for me.
@Alec, well you did mention half dressed women, dragons or fangs - that's three right there.
@Melissa - I was seriously surprised myself and on any given day would have skipped this, but I'm glad I didn't. It's always fun to make a new find.
You may like Maberry's series starring his Joe Ledger it starts with Patient Zero.
Sounds similar in action to that book.
@Ty - That sounds good to me, didn't you review it recently on your blog? I need to check that out again.
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